15 May 2021Battle of Britain talk and book signing with Dilip Sarkar MBE
Date: 15 May 2021 - 15 May 2021
Location: Biggin Hill Memorial Museum
Join bestselling author and historian Dilip Sarkar MBE as he delivers uniquely illustrated presentations at St George’s RAF Chapel of Remembrance at Biggin Hill.
The talks will feature two of his books, ‘Battle of Britain 1940: The Finest Hour’s Human Cost’, and ‘Letters from the Few’. Both titles commemorate the Battle of Britain’s 80th anniversary.
Amongst the stories in ‘Battle of Britain 1940’ is that of Aircraftsman 1st class John Joseph Jackson, a member of 610 ‘County of Chester’ Squadron’s spitfire groundcrew. He was sadly killed when Biggin Hill was bombed on 30th August 1940.
Programme for the day:
11:00 – 12:00 : Talk on ‘Letters from the Few’ followed by book signing
14:00 – 15:00 : Talk on ‘Battle of Britain 1940’ followed by book signing
Cost: £12